Can trampolining be dangerous?
The popularity of trampolining has increased enormously over the last few years. Nowadays, many families have a trampoline in the garden, so the children can play outside. In the last few years, trampoline jumping has also become increasingly safe. These days, it’s mandatory to have a trampoline safety net mounted on your trampoline – even on an in-ground trampoline! Yet, many parents still have the question of whether or not trampoline jumping is actually safe. That’s why, in this blog, we’ll answer the question: can trampolining be dangerous?
Good to start with is the fact that trampolining has many health benefits. For example, you burn more calories jumping on the trampoline for half an hour than you do running a lap. In addition, you train almost all muscles and it is good for bones and joints. This is mainly because of the flexible surface. Want to know more about the health benefits of trampolining? Check out our blog about this topic!
Despite the fact that trampolines are a lot safer nowadays than they were a while ago, there still are quite a few accidents while jumping. One of the most common causes of these accidents is the fact that often more than one child jumps on the trampoline at the same time. Especially with a rectangular trampoline, this is a problem. The lightest child is often the victim of this because he or she can easily be launched. Our advice is therefore always to jump on the trampoline alone. We understand that it’s fun to jump on the trampoline with a friend, girlfriend, brother, or sister, but this is not very wise. If necessary, jump one after the other or think up a fun trampoline game where one person jumps on the trampoline and the other can play next to the trampoline.
Another cause of accidents on the trampoline is doing somersaults and other difficult tricks. If you haven’t practiced well yet, it’s very dangerous to do these difficult, but certainly fat tricks without supervision. Therefore, always practice with an instructor! Children under the age of 14 run the greatest risk here. The safest way is to practice on an inground trampoline with enclosure or a flatground trampoline.
Research has shown that most accidents happen in the first five minutes after the child has started jumping. So try to restrain your enthusiasm and start jumping calmly. People often do crazy things because of their enthusiasm and that’s certainly very dangerous on a trampoline.
We hope this blog has made you well aware of the dangers of trampoline jumping. Despite the dangers of jumping, it’s still great fun and 99% of the time it goes without accidents. Are you a parent looking for a fun trampoline? At Etan, we have several high-quality trampoline lines. Think of the Etan Hi-Flyer, Etan Premium, Etan UltraFlat and Etan PremiumFlat. Something for everyone!
Do you have any questions about trampolines or would you like to receive more information about one of Etans trampoline lines? Don’t hesitate to contact our customer service.