Delivery and dispatch
Delivery and dispatch
We try our best to ship the order and deliver the package to your doorstep as soon as possible. Small parcels ordered before 1 pm will be shipped the same day. Trampolines, safety nets, and trampoline safety pads ordered before 3 pm will be shipped the next day. Orders within the Netherlands and Belgium are usually delivered within 1 working day. Orders outside the Netherlands and Belgium are usually delivered within 5 working days. However, it might be possible that we cannot live up to this promise. Sometimes products are out of stock and as a result, the order takes a bit longer. An indication of the delivery time can be found on the product page. If it’s not possible to deliver the package on the agreed date, we will notify you.
The listed sales prices are without shipping costs. The shipping costs and customs surcharge will be calculated at the check-out.
Smaller packages will be delivered via DPD and DHL, you will be notified by Wuunder concerning the expected delivery time.
Bigger packages, such as trampolines, will be delivered by the transporter Dachser. This transporter will contact you to make a delivery appointment. If you don’t answer the call, the delivery might take longer than expected. The average delivery time is 2 to 5 working days. If you have supplied a valid email address, you will receive a track and trace code of your parcel.
As soon as your shipment is scanned at the delivery branch, an email and/or SMS will be automatically sent to you. You can then choose from three different delivery moments. If you would like to choose a different delivery time or if you would like personal contact, you can indicate this via the so-called “call-back button”. If you do not confirm your choice, the shipment will not be delivered and Dachser will contact you personally. If you are unavailable or do not respond, the shipment will be returned to us (Etan) after three days.
In order to manage this process, it is of course necessary that we (Etan) provide Dachser with the correct contact details, such as a correct e-mail address and mobile phone number. Please note that mobile numbers must begin with a country code (for instance with +49 or 0049 for Germany). If you have not yet contacted Dachser in any way, we ask you to contact us.